If you haven't heard, many of the popular 4x4 trails around Moab, Utah are being closed by the BLM. Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance successfully challenged the BLM and forced the completion of multiple travel management plans that include the closure of over 300 miles of roads in the Moab area. Despite the ongoing legal battles between the state of Utah and the BLM regarding the state RS2477 assertation to thousands of miles of roads, the feds decided to push through their final decisions.

Now, motorized groups, including our friends at the Blueribbon Coalition, are rallying together, standing strong, and advancing their efforts through collaborative partnerships. Arizona Backcountry Explorers has played our part by developing a strategic action plan to engage members of our community.

Considerable pushback has developed and garnered the attention of Congress. Utah Senator Mike Lee has introduced the Historic Roadways Protection Act that will prohibit the BLM from using federal funding to finalize travel plans on 10 travel management areas in Utah until the courts decide pending cases involving RS2477 roads on federal lands in 22 Utah Counties.

This provides motorized use advocates from across the US with a significant opportunity to delay the decisions that close roads in their state. What's happening in Utah is also happening around the United States. By highlighting the vast amount of roads closing in your state, you can convince your congressman and woman to support the Historic Roadways Protection Act with an amendment that demands a nationwide pause on Travel Management Planning.

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